30 minutes can change your life, Thanks to NordicTrack and iFIT
I rounded out my running routine by finishing the IFIT Europe Challenge. I continue to see improvements in my speed, stamina, and endurance. Leveraging NordicTrack and the iFit app for 30 minutes can change your life.
Current weekly Stats: Aug 14, 2022
- Distance: 9 mi
- Elevation: 184 Ft
- Time 2:07:52
The Challenge takes you on an incredible journey through European countries to catch in some sites as we run through beautiful landscapes and towns.
- Spain,
- Switzerland
- Croatia
- Bosnia
- Iceland
- Azores
- Portugal
Below is my finished Euro challenge stats that I was able to complete. It breaks down the layout of the challenge by the name of the town, the Distance I ran, the Time I took, and the number of calories I burned. Remember that 30 minutes can change your life.
Trainers in the Europe 2022 Challenge:
- John Pele: 2-mile walk-run interval in the picturesque town of Sibiu, Romania
- Tommy Rivs Puzey takes you along a river between two towns in Switzerland
- Kelsey Sheahan leads an endurance run with three intervals through Mostar, Bosnia, passing historical shops and cathedrals
- Hanna Eden, with her ultra-upbeat motivation discussion, got us through a great run through the Dettifoss Ice Land Falls
- Tommy Rivs Puzy knock it out of the park with LA LAGUNA RECOVERY RUN, TENERIFE, SPAIN
- Lea Dana Rosenfeld, another great runner, takes us through GRUTA DO NATAL RECOVERY RUN, TERCEIRA ISLAND, AZORES
- Paulo Barreto takes us for a run on the beautiful Caparica beach in Lisbon, Portugal
- John Pele finishes us up with an interval run followed by an endurance run
Overall this was a very satisfying challenge that keeps making me want more, and I am surprised that by following their program, I was able to build endurance, muscle, and speed. I can’t wait to see what the next challenge brings in the months ahead.
My workout routine still has me running in the morning, followed by a 5 min stretch. My breakfast is a cup of coffee with creamer and no sugar. I sometimes take post-electrolytes to drink to ensure I am hydrated enough, followed by the supplements I take though out the day. Following this program has changed my life in 30 minutes.
Here’s my NordicTrack Commercial 2450 Treadmill I use in the garage. Nothing fancy other than I love opening the garage door to get that cool air in. Funny watching my neighbors walk their dogs or the sanitation men picking up my garbage early in the morning while I’m running and sweating up a storm. It’s a great feeling when it is over in ~30 mins.
Until next week remember that spending 30 mins with NordicTrack and iFIT can change your life!
My Weight Loss Strategy
The number one reason people fail at losing weight is that they don’t stick to it. They give up too soon. But there are ways to keep yourself motivated and focused on your goals. Here are some tips to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Also, check out How To Choose Your Diet Weight Plan.
1. Set realistic expectations. Don’t set unrealistic expectations about how much weight you’ll lose in a week or month. If you’re trying to drop 10 pounds in three months, you won’t succeed. Instead, I would like you to focus on minor incremental improvements over time.
2. Make a plan. Create a detailed schedule for yourself. This way, you know exactly what to do daily to reach your goal. You might even want to write down everything you eat during the day.
3. Be consistent. Once you’ve set up a routine, you can just stick with it. Consistency helps you avoid emotional eating and gives you something to look forward to daily.
4. Reward yourself. When you meet your daily goals, reward yourself. A simple treat like a small piece of chocolate cake once a week is enough to reinforce positive behavior.
5. Find support. You have someone to talk to about your weight loss journey can motivate you. Ask a family member or friend to join you on your quest. Or find a local group where you can connect with others working toward similar goals.
6. Get moving. Exercise is essential to achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. Start slowly and build up to 30 minutes of exercise five days per week. Try walking, swimming, running, dancing or yoga.
Be prepared to lose weight
Losing weight and staying healthy requires hard work and commitment. You’ll need to change your diet and exercise routine and stick to it for months or even years. But while you want to start losing weight, you should make permanent lifestyle changes. If you’re not ready, you could end up putting your health at risk.
Ask yourself the following questions to determine whether you’re ready to commit to long-term weight loss:
- Am I motivated to lose weight now?
- Do I feel under enough pressure to do something about my weight?
- Is there anything else I’d rather spend my energy on?
If you answered “no” to one or more of these questions, it might mean you aren’t ready to commit to weight loss. Instead, focus on short-term goals such as cutting out junk food or starting an exercise program.
Find your motivation to stay healthy and keep the weight off
No one else can make you change your lifestyle habits. It would be best if you did it yourself. And no matter how much support you receive from friends and family, there are times when you’ll feel like giving up. So why don’t you start thinking about what motivates you to keep going? Write down everything you’re passionate about. If you love cooking, write down recipes you’d like to try. Maybe you enjoy taking care of animals. Or maybe you really love being outdoors. Whatever it is, think about what makes you tick.
Once you’ve identified your motivations, look around your home and office for ways to express those passions. For example, you might put inspirational quotes on your bathroom mirror or hang pictures of your favorite outdoor spots on your walls. Another key point is to consider making a collage of photos of people you admire and hanging it somewhere where you see it every day.
Finally, take some time each week to reflect on your reasons for wanting to improve your life. Think about what you’d like to accomplish in the coming months. How would you like to feel? Would you like to be healthier? More confident? Happier? These questions will help you focus on what matters most to you.
Keep moving
You don’t need to exercise to lose weight; however, if you want to lose weight, you should combine regular physical activity with calorie restrictions. Regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, burns about 300 extra calories per week, while strength training burns up to 400 calories per workout.
Exercise also burns extra calories you can’t eliminate by changing your diet alone. It improves insulin sensitivity, boosts your metabolism, and makes you feel better. Strength training builds muscle mass, which burns even more calories throughout the day.
Studies suggest that people who lose weight over time stay slim for longer than those who regain their losses. In one particular research project, participants who were able to lose 10 percent of their body weight remained at that level for an average of 5.5 additional months after they stopped trying to lose weight.
How many calories you burn depends mainly on how much you move around. For example, a 150-pound person who walks 30 minutes daily burns about 200 fewer calories than someone who sits most of the day. 150-pound woman who runs four miles daily burns about 350 fewer calories than a sedentary individual.
Stay Hydrated
The human body needs water to function correctly. But there are times when we don’t feel thirsty, even though our bodies require it. This happens because our brain only sometimes registers how much liquid we take. So, people often mistake thirst for hunger. And while some foods do contain water, others, like chocolate and alcohol, can cause us to consume more calories than necessary. According to the National Library of Medicine, staying hydrated plays an important role in weight loss.
Eat high-fiber foods
Fiber is one of those nutrients that we don’t really think about much, but it does play a role in our health. A study published in the journal Nutrients suggests that foods rich in fiber could help us lose weight. Researchers looked at data from over 20,000 people and compared how many calories they ate each day, along with what percentage of their diet came from carbohydrates, protein, fat, or fiber. They discovered that people who consumed the most fiber had lower body mass index scores, meaning they were less likely to be overweight or obese.
The researchers at the Mayo Clinic believe that fiber helps fill up the stomach and slows digestion, making you feel fuller longer. This makes it easier to eat fewer calories overall. However, there are some caveats. For example, fiber doesn’t work like magic; it must be present in sufficient quantities to make a difference. Also, you’ll still need to watch portion sizes.
Wrap Up
As you can see now there are many items to consider when losing weight. However, The trick is to stay motivated so you can stick with it and make it part of your life style diet every day.
Finally, read MY STORY on how I was fat and unmotivated and how I was able to turn my life around and stop eating ultra-processed foods. We have one life to live, and we must take care of it as best as possible. I will tell you what I did to start the process of losing weight, exercising, and eating right. I am a regular guy who was able to change his life around, and you can too.
Check out my latest FAT FIT FREE blog posts below:
- 5 Ways to live longer
- iFit Challenge: iFit Weight loss Italian style
- Full body workout for beginners
- Cold Plunge: 5 Health Benefits
- The Truth about UFOs: Do You Believe?