How To Lose Weight With a Low Carb Diet

weight loss diet plan for women


Staying on the Atkins Diet or any other diet plan may be challenging. The Atkins diet requires changing behaviors you are not generally accustomed to. This is true of all diet plans, not just the Atkins Diet plan. Numerous dietary methods are available, each emphasizing a particular aspect of health.

Consistent among all these eating plans is the recommendation that dieters monitor the number of calories consumed. In addition, following one of these diets requires consuming food with a reduced fat percentage.

Basic Principles of Weight Loss

  • Determination to lose weight
  • Mindset change that you will eat healthier Foods
  • Weighing yourself regularly to ensure you are controlling your food intake or increasing your caloric burn rate
  • Exercise at least 30 mins a day to burn calories. You can start by walking, dancing, running, whatever you can do but start moving.
  • Plan ahead when parties or family gatherings are coming up. You will need to understand that you may eat more, so eat less leading up to the event and DO NOT OVEREAT
  • Stress Eating is a real thing. I know I always do it when work, Life, or anything pops up and becomes stressful. Take time for yourself and meditate or talk to someone who is also losing weight for support. You will have days that you may not follow that strict plan. It’s ok, but get back on your diet program and start again. I promise it will get easier.
  • Support for your lifestyle change is critical. Having a partner living in the same house will make it easier to lose weight. When I started, my whole family also decided to make the change.
  • Use a Dietician to help guide you in the process when starting a diet weight plan

What is the strategy of the Atkins Diet Weight loss

This diet is not like the others. On this diet, individuals can consume huge amounts of butter, cheese, eggs, bacon, and red meat. This diet has been the subject of debate among many people due to these characteristics.  

The Atkins Diet plan is often called the “Atkins Nutritional Approach.”1 Is a diet that has generated a significant amount of discussion in the media. There are a lot of individuals who are on this diet, and many of them are happy because of the unorthodox ways it works. However, the doctors’ opinions on the long-term effects of this diet are somewhat mixed.2 Many are curious about the mechanisms that make the Atkins Diet plan effective for weight loss. The late Dr. Atkins, who developed the Atkins diet, maintained that one’s ability to shed extra pounds was directly proportional to the number of carbs one consumed. He said that if you restrict the number of carbohydrates you down, you can get rid of excess weight. 

What Not to eat on an Atkins Diet Plan

Carbohydrates are found in bread, pasta, cereal, and rice; most of these items are packaged. Refined sugar and wheat flour are the two main ingredients in carbohydrates. According to the teachings of the late Dr. Atkins, if you lower the number of carbs in your diet, your body is forced to use fats for fuel rather than carbohydrates.

The Atkins Diet Plan Comprises Of Four Phases:

Phase 1: The first phase is known as the induction phase, and it is the phase that has the most restrictions. This indicates that you are not permitted to consume carbohydrates during the diet’s first phase. You may or may not be able to eat 20 grams of vegetables daily, depending on your body.

Phase 2: The second phase is maintaining weight loss, during which you are permitted to consume carbohydrates. During this period, you can drink an additional 5 grams of carbohydrates daily. You should consume an extra five grams of carbohydrates weekly to maintain a healthy diet. It would help if you continued doing so until you no longer experience further weight loss. When you reach that amount, the plan mandates that you reduce your daily intake of calories by five grams; this is done so that you can keep your current weight. 

Phase 3:The third phase of the Atkins diet plan is pre-maintenance, which is the period in which you transition from losing weight to keeping it. It is acceptable for you to consume an additional 10 grams of carbohydrates per week, provided that you do not experience any weight gain.

Phase 4: The fourth step is lifetime maintenance. Throughout this phase, you are free to eat whatever you want. So long as you keep your carbohydrate consumption to a minimum. During this part of the program, you can maintain your current weight while eating an unlimited variety of foods. 

Pros and Cons

The Atkins Diet plan helps to lose weight. Your body shifts its focus to burning fat rather than carbohydrates. Which ultimately leads to a reduction in body fat and subsequent weight loss for those who follow this diet plan.

In addition to this, following the regimen outlined. The Atkins Diet will allow you to keep the weight you already have. After a certain point, you will no longer be able to lose or gain weight. The plan will enable you to keep the same weight you already have.

When you consume moderate carbohydrates on the Atkins Diet plan, you improve your overall health and lower your risk of developing diabetes. In conclusion, one of the drawbacks of following these nature plans is that you may experience constipation and an increase in the number of ketones your body produces, both of which can lead to bad breath.

More Cons

Here is a research document from PubMed that discuss some of the issues of staying on a low-carb diet long term. Some of the concern is kidney failure or stress on the kidneys from long-term eating a low-carb diet. Science tells us that a more traditional Mediterranean diet is needed to ensure a healthier lifestyle once a weight goal has been reached.

Wrap Up

As you can see now there are many diet weight plans to choose from. The trick is to find one that you can stick with to make it part of your life style diet every day.

Read MY STORY on how I was fat and unmotivated and how I was able to turn my life around and stop eating ultra-processed foods. We have one life to live, and we must take care of it as best as possible. I will tell you what I did to start the process of losing weight, exercising, and eating right. I am a regular guy who was able to change his life around, and you can too.

Check out my last posts:

Since dropping 40 lbs, I am a fitness enthusiast who understands what it takes to keep the weight off. So I started writing about my fitness journey and find interesting topics to share about health, fitness, Investing, and trending topics. Thanks to you all who have inspired me to take my first step to good health.

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