How can I lose weight without starving?

portion control

How can you eat more healthy without feeling hungry every day?

Research from the NIH supports that portion control can help you lose weight. It is NO secret that gaining weight comes down to eating less food than you do, burning the calories you eat. How can you effectively let your body burn the number of calories you store, and how can you portion control yourself for health? Portion control is my best nutritional hack that helped me maintain my ideal body weight as long as I understand what my body needs to eat. Losing weight by portion control is easier if you know the basic principles of Weight loss.

Basic Principles of Weight Loss

  • Determination to lose weight
  • Mindset change that you will eat healthier Foods
  • Weighing yourself regularly to ensure you are controlling your food intake or increasing your caloric burn rate
  • Exercise at least 30 mins a day to burn calories. You can start by walking, dancing, running, whatever you can do but start moving.
  • Plan ahead when parties or family gatherings are coming up. You will need to understand that you may eat more, so eat less leading up to the event, and DO NOT OVEREAT
  • Stress Eating is a real thing. I know I always do it when work, Life, or anything pops up and becomes stressful. Take time for yourself and meditate or talk to someone who is also losing weight for support.
  • You will have days that you may not follow that strict plan. It’s ok, but get back on your diet program and start again. I promise it will get easier.
  • Support for your lifestyle change is critical. Having a partner living in the same house will make it easier to lose weight. When I started, my whole family also decided to make the change.
  • You can use a Dietician to help guide you in the process when you’re starting a diet weight plan or when you feel you are not progressing any longer.

Your environment also plays a role in your health.

According to the NIH National Institute of Health, your friends and family significantly influence weight gain. The research detail how your social ties contribute to your habits leading to obesity. 1 in 3 adults is deemed obese, which can put you in serious health problems, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Researchers found that friendships can have a crucial influence on a person’s weight. The likelihood of becoming obese increased by nearly 57% if a close friend had become obese.

As described in the July 26, 2007, issue of The New England Journal of Medicine,

It’s better with a buddy 

Having a support system is ideal. Your activities will be more consistent if you have someone to answer to, for instance a diet buddy. Additionally, it’s more enjoyable to compare notes with someone than it is to figure things out on your own. Invite a friend or member of your family to accompany you on your journey toward excellent health.

Why are we fatter now versus 20 year ago?

Our portion controls have nearly doubled or, in some cases, tripled. Check out this excellent Portion Distortion Quiz/Comparison between the portion sizes of 20 years ago and today by The Heart2Heart Foundation.

Portion Size Then and Now

To help you understand how to correctly portion control your plate here are some tips you should uses:


A great free tool that the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE has online to help you set up portion control meals is MYPLATE.GOV. Simple diet changes that add up over time will help you lose weight by portion control and will get you started on a a healthy eating routine.

Your body needs calories daily for it to functions. These calories vary depending on your age, weight, and activity level. If a typical woman consumes around 2000 calories a week they will normally gain weight. An ordinary man needs 2500 calories daily for his weight and 2000 for weight loss a week.

After you put in basic information like your gender, age, height, weight and how physically active you are it will automatically calculate how many calories you need to either sustain or lose at your current weight. It will go into detail on how many cups of fruits, vegetables, Proteins and Diary you will need to eat to achieve your goals.

Should I keep a food journal?

Yes! Another great way to improve portion control is keeping a food journal. A food diary allows us to monitor food portions to ensure they match what we decide based on our needs. What are some of the easiest ways to maintain a food diary? You can record the data in an app or notepad if you’d like. Ultimately you need to understand how much food you eat and how often it is consumed. It helps you establish an average daily amount of your diet and keeps track of your daily goals.

The top free food journals or food trackers Apps are:

Eat less sugar, saturated fats and salt

The Dietary Guidelines For Americans plan calls for reducing salt, sugar, saturated fats. Your meal plan should only contain 10 % of sugar and saturated fats daily. Your sodium (Salt) intake must be below 2,300 mg. Most Americans eat twice the recommended amount which is known to cause High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease.

Could you tell me the best way to control portion size when eating out?

healthy diet plan
Eat Healthy

The problem with controlling portions is eating out. There is no doubt that restaurant servings are twice as good as you want them. How do I ensure I am keeping with my portion control at restaurants? Easy. One I always try to split my meal with my wife. Second if I can not split my dish I will only eat half of what is on my plate and take the rest home. Yes, you can ask the restaurant to split the order before it comes out. Wow! Another dinner for later. Restaurant staff is looking for people to be delighted when they leave.

How To Eat Slowly To Benefit From PORTION CONTROL

One reason we often eat so much is the lack of awareness of how much we eat and how rapidly. My mom would always say to eat slow so your stomach has enough time to tell your brain it’s full. And mom’s are always right. I encourage you to eat mindfully. So let yourself enjoy the meals. Have you ever thought about how much energy it takes to feel fully in just 30 minutes and how often?

  • Be sure to NOT eat when extremely hungry. It hard to slow down when your starving
  • Chew your food slowly and completely
  • Drink more water
  • Use a timer to pace yourself for at least 20 min
  • Take a deep breath and slow down
  • Determination to eat slow
  • Don’t worry if you fail the first few time. Just keep trying!1

Serving Size Does Matter

Servings are recommended amounts for a given food. The serving size will appear on the top of the food packaging. Serving sizes only depend a little upon the nutritional requirements. Based on federal data, the serving size we see above food packaging has been determined by American consumption in one seat. Are you crazy? Dietetic Fact Label contains no recommended consumption.

Wrap Up

As you can see now there are many diet weight plans to choose from. The trick is to find one that you can stick with to make it part of your life style diet every day.

Read MY STORY on how I was fat and unmotivated and how I was able to turn my life around and stop eating ultra-processed foods. We have one life to live, and we must take care of it as best as possible. I will tell you what I did to start the process of losing weight, exercising, and eating right. I am a regular guy who was able to change his life around, and you can too.

Check out my last posts:

Since dropping 40 lbs, I am a fitness enthusiast who understands what it takes to keep the weight off. So I started writing about my fitness journey and find interesting topics to share about health, fitness, Investing, and trending topics. Thanks to you all who have inspired me to take my first step to good health.

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