Stay Consistent And Progress Will Show!
Hard Work Does Pays Off!
Looking at the photo, it’s the first time where I can say, that all the hard work and effort I have put in to lose the weight and staying consistent to keep it off is finally
paying dividends.
• My appetite is under control
• I’ve been drinking plenty of fluids
• Eating normal size portions
And the best part is that in my opinion I haven’t given up anything. When I’m out with friends and family I still eat whatever, I want. I just know that if I go overboard I will need to burn off more calories the next day.
What is one of the secrets of achieving any goal?
Consistency, Consistency, Consistency,
Write down your goals! My case losing weight and I envision my self-doing the
work need to achieve them. All I did was stay consistent and walked for 30 mins
and did that until it’s turned into a habit. I read somewhere if you can do
something for 30 days it will turn into a habit and that good habit will lead
you to achieving your goals. Stay consistent!