Fight Back Alzheimer’s With Exercise
Alzheimer’s is a terible disease that is getting progressively worse throughout the years but what’s most important is you can fight back Alzheimer’s with exercise. According to the Alzheimer’s Association which published a new study on January 7, 2022. The study was done by lead author Kaitlin B. Casaletto, Phd. from the Memory and Aging Center, Department of Neurology, University of California. Casaletto found that excercise late into life consequently helps fight back Alzheimer’s disease.
The study was possible thanks to the 404 elderly adults, who participated and even donate their brains when they died. It was through this study where Casaletto, a neuropsychologist and her team member William Honer, MD, a professor of psychiatry at the University of British Columbia and senior author of the study, used the data from the donars that was conducted by the Memory and Aging Project at Rush University in Chicago and concluded that exercise can fight off Alzheimer’s disease.
Sampling brain tissues from the particapants that engaged in physical activity through their golden years showed a higher level of presynaptic and synaptic proteitn levels which are responsible for the sending and receiving of electrical impulses and allows us to move our bodies and think for ourselves.
Follow the Science
If you have been following My Story, you understand why I made the decision to lose weight, eat healthly, and start exercising. After reading the article above on you can add fighting back Alzheimer’s disease to the list. Do you need any more motivation to dedicate some time to yourself to exercise late into our golden years. Of course the type of exercise will depend on your health conditons so please reach out to your doctor before starting a exerscie plan. Here’s some more good news! According to ALZ.ORG 12.7 million people over the age 65 will be affected by Alzheimer’s by 2050. Yes I was being sarcastic.
Get Moving
Above all, get moving. Start an exercise plan to help fend off Alzhemiers’s. You do not need fancy exercise equipment. Walking only requires comforatble shoes or sneakers. With time you can increase your distanct and your pace. Work with your health care provider to come up with a exercise plan. Or pick up the iFIT app or any other exercise app you may already have and find a beginner’s program to follow. The secret to a succesful plan is to stay consistent at least 5 days a week. Build upon your successes and add more when your ready. Your goal is for your exercsie plan to become a habit and the rest will follow.
Here’s a great exercsie video that you can easily folllow along if your older and less mobile.
You can read my other short articels on my blog where I cover different lifestyle topics in the news.
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[…] There is a lot of reasons why you should exercise but you only need one to get serious on starting an exercise plan so you can gain the health benefits that come along with it. Here’s my last article on how exercise can fend off Alzheimer’s. […]